Interactive Digital Media

MLD Solutions office team meeting

We are knowledge leaders in interactive digital media.

Interactive digital media is information that offers opportunities for users to engage with content while providing them with results that are tailored to their needs.

With our upcoming platform Mozaik.Global, users will be able to bring their content to life, share it with the world, sell it and track its impact. Stay tuned for more information.



A user-friendly platform that allows anyone (yes anyone) to create interactive digital content that will get people talking (and buying). Tools that take content to a whole new level.


A CRM for small businesses. Functionality includes customer tracking, employee tracking, order tracking and case management.


The Education Data Gathering Engine that enables educators to integrate school-level and board-wide data from multiple sources.


Custom Development Services

Custom Development

Custom software applications to streamline work processes, simplify data entry, present data quickly, and produce up-to-date analytic reports.